
BINUS UNIVERSITY was originally founded as a short-term computer training institute, Modern Computer Course, on October 21, 1974. It was the start a rapid growth and expansion, blessed with a solid foundation, clear vision, and high dedication.

Rapid growth and the people ´ s interest led to the school´s induction. Modern Computer Course had developed into ‘Akademi Teknik Komputer (ATK)’ or ‘Computer Systems Academy’ on July 1, 1981. It offered Diploma (D-3) Program in Information Management and Computer Science. Three years after, on July 13, 1984, ATK acquired "Registered" status and changed its name to ‘Akademi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (AMIK)’ or ‘Academy of Information Management and Computer Science’ Jakarta. On July 1, 1985, AMIK Jakarta opened another Diploma Program in Computerized Accounting. On September 21, 1985, AMIK Jakarta changed its name into AMIK BINA NUSANTARA.

On March 17, 1986, The Ministry of Education and Culture, through The Higher Education Board District III awarded AMIK BINA NUSANTARA as The Best Computer Academy, when it was still relatively young.

The growing need for highly qualified human resources in the Information Technology field motivated BINA NUSANTARA to establish ‘Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK)’ or ‘Institute of Information Management and Computer Science’ BINA NUSANTARA on July 1, 1986. This Institute offered Undergraduate (S-1) Program in Information Management, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering.

On November 9, 1987, AMIK BINA NUSANTARA was merged with STMIK BINA NUSANTARA. It created a single institution offering Diploma (D-3) and Undergraduate (S-1) programs. STMIK BINA NUSANTARA achieved "Accredited" status for all its programs and levels, on March 18, 1992. Having already carved a good reputation, STMIK BINA NUSANTARA inaugurated its Master (S-2) Program in Information System Management, the first of its kind in Indonesia on May 10, 1993.

As the next step for BINA NUSANTARA, BINUS UNIVERSITY was established on August 8, 1996. STMIK BINA NUSANTARA was then merged into BINUS UNIVERSITY on December 20, 1998. BINA NUSANTARA UNIVERSITY, at the time, has 5 Faculties: Computer Sciences, Economics, Engineering, Literature, and Mathematics & Statistics, with one Master Program.


“A World-class university
… In continuous pursuit of innovation and enterprise”

Key Words

What do we mean by…?


Internationally recognized best practices

Knowledge institution

A firm characterized by the utilization of evolving knowledge to create economic value through its distinctive competences


The economically successful introduction and application of new and existing scientific knowledge for practical purposes in order to create superior stakeholder value


Innovative business practices relating to an individual or organization’s capability to drive positive changes in the global market and environment

BINUS UNIVERSITY commits to deliver excellence in education and research for the global community by :

    • Providing a learning experience that encourages and rewards innovation
    • Creating high impact applied knowledge
    • Pursuing a positive contribution to the quality of life
    • Contributing to outstanding leadership
    • Leading corporate entrepreneurship


  • Tenacious Focus
    Acting with a passionate, committed, and determined focus towards shared purposes.
  • Freedom to Innovate
    Combining integrity with a creative and result-oriented spirit
  • Farsighted
    Sharing the foresight to recognize and take action on future opportunities
  • Embrace Diversity
    Celebrating diversity in the pursuit of excellence

In order to achieve quality, highly qualified and well-prepared graduates, BINUS UNIVERSITY is committed to applying the following quality policy and targets :

  • 90% of students graduated on time.
  • 100% of study programs accredited ”A” by the nation.
  • 85% of lecturers having good performance index.
  • 80% of employees satisfied with the overall university performance.
  • 80% of lecturers satisfied with the overall university performance.
  • 80% of students satisfied with the overall university performance.
  • 80% of graduates employed or becoming entrepreneurs at graduation.


Anggrek Campus Map

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